January 24, 2009

Project 365

This year I committed to the Project 365, which means a photo a day keeps the camera at play!

I'll share a few of my favorites (so far), but you can access the entire set here: Project 365


Day Five

Monte Sano Mountain

Day Six

Blue Wheel

Day Eight

Train Depot

Day Ten


Day Sixteen

Jones Valley

Day Seventeen


stephanie said...

This is such a smarter way to do it
!!! I always try to do the self portrait ones (I'm actually about to start again tomorrow), because they're so interesting to me, but I end up stopping. If I fail again, I'm just going to take a photo each day.

Vertical House (Records & Photography) said...

yeah, i thought about the self portrait thing, but i figured this would be easier for me to keep up with haha :)